Surabaya, Indonesia, 23 December, 2013 – RYTHM Foundation and QNET have done it again! The incredible members of team Amoeba, Independent Representatives of QNET, celebrated their 12th Anniversary by teaming up with staff of QNET Indonesia, with the sole mission to touch a billion hearts!
The celebration took place in Surabaya, on 23 December 2013, with a large number of 8000 IRs got together from all over Indonesia.
This time, they expanded their hearts the RYTHM Foundation way and literally touched a billion hearts. Each participant was told to bring an egg along. These eggs may have been ordinary, but their purpose, was truly extraordinary! The eggs were donated to various orphanages and nursing homes in Surabaya and its surrounding areas.
In many cultures and religions, eggs are a source of new life and a symbol of creation; just as the hard shell of the egg is broken open so that new life can emerge, it is also symbolic of a new year – new beginnings and brand new resolutions!
Hand in hand with RYTHM Foundation and QNET Indonesia, our IRs and employees also donated school supplies to the orphanages, to match the value of the eggs collected. This was our way of “paying it forward” to the societies in which we operate.
The wife of one of our top leaders, AVP Gita Hartanto – Mrs Ratna Hartanto, presented souvenirs to the representatives of the homes involved and the event ended with everyone enjoying a scrumptious spread and a photo session. Cheers to a job well done for friends of RYTHM Foundation!