Indonesia, 9 June 2012 – Driven by concern over the increasing scarcity of fruits native to Indonesia, QNET staff here participated in a tree-planting activity today by the Ciliwung River, Condet, Cililitan, East Jakarta.
It was alarming that most QNET staff did not even recognise the names of the fruit trees that they worked so hard to plant that day! Among these trees were a variety of rare types, including alkesa, mundu, rukem, bisbul, lampini, jamblang, menteng, bisbul, nam-nam, kemang, duku, kupa, matoa, walnuts, kecapi, buni and soursop.
The activity was part of the QI Group’s “We Care” CSR initiative in support of the environment, which is one of the pillars ofRYTHM Foundation. This time, staff partnered with the Ciliwung Care Community (KCP) in Tanjungan, to learn about KCP’s efforts and the practice of transplanting and grafting fruit trees.
KCP is a community focussed on the preservation of the Ciliwung River that divides the capital city from the north to the south. Local residents are taught the importance of preserving the river.
Wita Dahlan, Corporate Communications Manager of QNET Indonesia, said, “We chose this location because we get to preserve rare fruit trees and the Ciliwung River at the same time. I’m amazed there’s still a part of the river that’s green. It doesn’t feel like we’re in Jakarta, especially when we know that behind those trees is a dense residential area. Who knows? Someday this site may become an agro-tourism spot for Jakarta residents.”
Secretary Yanti said, “Someday, I’m sure Ciliwung will become a means of water transportation for Jakarta, as an alternative to bottlenecked ground transport. I hope this site will then be a nice, green transit point for the future water taxi passengers.”
Veronica, Lead Global Support Professional, who seemed very excited about planting buni trees, hoped to see the trees grow well and tall to invite wild birds to nest. PR Executive Marlina added, “We also hope that our initiative will inspire others, and be followed by other groups or companies.”
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